
Interviews via zoom

Join us for a series of interviews via Zoom. You will quickly feel like you are talking with an old friend. Our questions are designed to spark your memories and help you feel comfortable sharing your life story with us. 

Transcribe your story

Step by step, our team of award-winning, published authors create a work of narrative non-fiction that will be a keepsake for you and your loved ones. We do this through the following steps:

1. Transcribe the interviews;

2. Write and create a masterpiece biography about you;

3. Edit and design copy for printing including pictures; and

4. Publish and print the final product, with the ability to purchase additional copies for family and friends.

Print, bind and ship

We professionally print and bind your story in a hardbound book that you will want to adorn your coffee table or desk. We then ship it to your door.

Each Liveographies customer receives a beautiful, hardbound book containing your life story, researched, written, and crafted by our team of published authors and creative designers. This beautiful keepsake can then be read and shared with family and friends for generations.

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