Meet the team

Each Liveographies customer receives a beautiful, hardbound book containing your life story, researched, written, and crafted by our team of published authors and creative designers. This beautiful keepsake can then be read and shared with family and friends for generations.

Liveographies is the culmination of its founders’ lifetime love of learning and telling the stories of remarkable men and women. With so many cherished memories and anecdotes of parents and grandparents remaining untold and unpreserved, Laura and Brian decided to establish Liveographies as a vehicle to assist families in obtaining, organizing, and preserving these priceless treasures of family heritage. 

Laura and Brian have combined talents that make Liveographies unique. Brian is an award-winning writer and spent thirty years crafting and sharing the stories of others in courtrooms and from pulpits. Laura has the rare ability of making even the most reticent feel comfortable about opening up and sharing their memories. Laura is also the chief designer of our beautiful books and the driving force behind getting Liveographies’ message to others. 

Our mission is to create the atmosphere and provide the professional assistance and tools to help individuals and families tell and pass on their story–your story. Liveographies promises to do this through compassionate and enjoyable interviews, engaging narrative, and outstanding design including your preserved pictures. It is your story. Let us help you tell it.

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